#1 College in Ireland
We are the only College in Ireland offering training in Five Element Acupuncture leading to the internationally recognized Licentiate in Acupuncture Qualification. This Qualification will enable you practise in Ireland and the UK, and the Netherlands. Requirements to practise vary in other countries and you will need to check the requirements of the individual country you wish to practise in. In all cases, our Qualification is a solid foundation to practise internationally!
Expert Teachers
COFEA has put together a comprehensive curriculum and assembled an expert Teaching Faculty to ensure you will get a complete education in Five Element Acupuncture. This will enable you to practice this amazing system of medicine at the highest level.
Part Time Study
We have structured the 3 year part time Course to allow you continue working and/or meeting family commitments while studying at COFEA. Classes are held, if it is safe to do so, in person, on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays each month for 10 months of Year 1 and 10 months of Year 2. This part time commitment will minimize the effect on your working week and/or family commitments. Year 3 will be weekly in person for 7 months when you will be treating patients under supervision!
Competitive Pricing
The cost of the course is the most competitively priced when compared with other Five Element acupuncture courses in Ireland and abroad.
Globally Recognised
Our Course complies with core curriculum and membership standards of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland (ACI). Therefore, you will, on graduation, be eligible to apply for membership of the ACI. This will give you membership of the largest acupuncture organization in Ireland with lots of benefits. You will also be eligible to join the internationally acclaimed Worsley Institute, the body that promotes Five Element Acupuncture worldwide.
Convenient Location
Our Teaching Location is a beautiful setting by the sea and conveniently located in Dublin – 20 minutes by car or train or bus from Dublin City Centre.
Inclusive Environment
We welcome students from across the globe, and endeavour to help them settle in to the routine of studying in Ireland. Our Teaching Location is only 20 minutes away from Dublin International Airport and there is competitively priced accommodation available to you in the local area.
Safe Medicine
Five Element Acupuncture is one of the safest, most comprehensive and far reaching systems of healing in the world. We offer a safe environment for our students to learn, while also putting the safety of our patients first. Ancient wisdom for a modern world!
Is Five Element Acupuncture for you?
It can be a bit daunting before starting a course. How will you know if you will like the subject? You may need to ask yourself some serious questions first!
- Do I want to do something I am passionate about?
- Do I have a genuine desire to help my fellow human being?
- Am I interested in how a human being works?
- Am I prepared to see fellow human beings as a whole and unique – body mind and spirit?
- Do I want to become expert in a system of medicine that is supremely effective and yet has not changed in the last 2000 years?
COFEA’s 3-year Lic. Ac course has been designed to create caring and skilled practitioners. Don’t be put off by thinking that you require any previous specialist training – we will teach you everything you need to know to become a professional acupuncturist.
Many people choose to study acupuncture after having treatment, or by knowing someone who has benefited from treatment. Some of you may be adding to existing skills such as reflexology or massage, or you may be contemplating a complete move away from your current job, or want to retrain.
At interview we will be looking for your commitment to the subject, your ability to study in Higher Education and your willingness to do what it takes to help people in this way.
- No previous training required
- Retrain in the healthcare sector
- All skill levels will be catered for
- Commitment and willingness to help others necessary

Copyright image used with permission from JB Worsley, Worsley Inc, with the Worsley Institute